It ain't pretty, but it's home.

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- Kerry -

St. Johon photos here...
Entrance to the villa 'Argonauta'. We had to back up (or down) this driveway.
The main house on the right. St. John in the distance. (actually... the island on the left-hand side of the frame was just purchased by Michael Jordan. It's nice to be like Mike!)
"The pod" - a little building with two bedrooms separate from the main house. We stayed in the bottom bedroom.
The main house from the hot tub. The "pod" is on the right.
The kitchen (in the main house)
The living room (in the main house)
Karen in the hot hot tub
Greetings from Paul. relaxing in the pool
A view from our balcony. St. John is ahead and to the left. Several smaller islands to the right
Looking in the other direction. From here, on a clear day you can see St. Croix.
A rainbow over Great Cruz Bay
"Warfside Village" - some little shops in the town of Cruz bay near the villa
We went snorkeling into these caves.
'The Virgin Gorda'. This picture doesn't do it justice, but this tiny beach was by far the most beautiful I have ever seen.